A Brighter Tomorrow-Today…

Homeownership is the pride of our souls in our country and has been since our independence. But that beautiful dream is threatened by hyperinflation, sky-high interest rates, and insurance rates to the moon. In addition, time-wasting bureaucratic agencies control all housing, from the US federal government down to the local building and zoning office. Because of those reasons, 60% of hard-working, good people do not qualify for homeownership; what a crying shame…

As our newly elected President has stated, it is high time to bring on the “Common Sense.” approach, and here at the Freedom Fate Foundation, I plan on doing that right now. We will be hiring the very best people based on one thing: maximum meritocracy manpower.

1. We will create the ZERO interest loan program (HELP)

2. Homeowners insurance rates will be cut by 50%. (HIPP)

3. Get a building permit issued in 30 days or less. (NPPS)


A Brighter Tomorrow-Today…

Homeownership is the pride of our souls in our country and has been since our independence. But that beautiful dream is threatened by hyperinflation, sky-high interest rates, and insurance rates to the moon. In addition, time-wasting bureaucratic agencies control all housing, from the US federal government down to the local building and zoning office. Because of those reasons, 60% of hard-working, good people do not qualify for homeownership; what a crying shame…

As our newly elected President has stated, it is high time to bring on the “Common Sense.” approach, and here at the Freedom Fate Foundation, I plan on doing that right now. We will be hiring the very best people based on one thing: maximum meritocracy manpower.

1. We will create the ZERO interest loan program (HELP)

2. Homeowners insurance rates will be cut by 50%. (HIPP)

3. Get a building permit issued in 30 days or less. (NPPS)

Did you know?

  • California alone can feed the world.
  • Most diseases and deaths are caused by inadequate housing.
  • Climate change costs the US $150 billion annually, and it has not built a single home.
  • The US has a severe housing shortage, especially in the rental market.
  • 65% of people trying to buy a home are rejected.
  • Homeowners’ insurance costs have tripled in the last five years.

The Solution

  • I am the solution, for I will build one million affordable homes in ten years. Strong, Fast, and Safe.
  • On top of that, my designers will make them beautiful.

Freedom Fate Foundation

I gave up 40% of my building company to my foundation; welcome to Freedom Fate, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation.
Join me in making a lasting impact on the housing crisis.

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